Saturday, August 31, 2019

Slavery History

Slavery, social institution defined by law and custom as the most absolute involuntary form of human servitude. England entered the slave trade in the latter half of the 16th century. In 1713 the exclusive right to supply the Spanish colonies was granted to the British South Sea Company. The English based their trading in the North America. In North America the first African slaves landed at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619. Brought by early English privateers, they were subjected to limited servitude, a legalized status of Native American, white, and black servants preceding slavery in most, if not all, the English colonies in the New World. The number of slaves imported was small at first, and it did not seem necessary to define their legal status. Statutory recognition of slavery, however, occurred in Massachusetts in 1641, in Connecticut in 1650, and in Virginia in 1661. Contrary to what is commonly believed, slaves did have some legal rights, such as support in age or sickness, a right to limited religious instruction, and the right to bring suit and give evidence in special cases. Custom gave numerous rights also, such as private property, marriage, free time, contractual ability, and, to females, domestic or lighter plantation labor, which, however, the master was not bound to respect. Brutal treatment such as mutilation, branding, chaining, and murder were regulated or prohibited by law, but instances of cruelty were common before the 19th century. In North America the first African slaves landed at Jamestown, Virginia, in 1619. Brought by early English privateers, they were subjected to limited servitude, a legalized status of Native American, white, and black servants preceding slavery in most, if not all, the English colonies in the New World. The number of slaves imported was small at first, and it did not seem necessary to define their legal status. Statutory recognition of slavery, however, occurred in Massachusetts in 1641, in Connecticut in 1650, and in Virginia in 1661. Abolitionists, reformers of the 18th and 19th centuries dedicated to eliminating slavery, especially in the English-speaking countries. Although the Quakers had long opposed slavery, abolitionism as an organized force began in England in the 1780s, when William Wilberforce and the Clapham Sect? a group of wealthy evangelical Anglicans? began agitating against the African slave traffic. Their success (1807) stimulated further political assaults on slavery itself. With compensation to owners and apprenticeship arrangements, Parliament abolished West Indian slavery in 1833. British example, Quaker traditions, evangelical revivalism, and northern emancipations (1776-1827) aroused interest in abolitionism in the United States. The abolitionists differed from those of moderate antislavery feelings in that they called for an immediate end to slavery. The most extreme abolitionists denied the validity of any laws that recognized slavery as an institution; thus, they systematically violated the fugitive slave laws by organizing and operating the Underground Railroad, which concealed and transported runaway slaves to Canada. The activities and propaganda of the abolitionists, although discredited in conservative northern quarters and violently opposed in the South, made slavery a national issue. Most historians cite 1831 as the beginning of the United States abolitionist movement, when William Lloyd Garrison founded The Liberator in Boston. This newspaper soon became the leading organ of American abolitionism. In 1833 the American Anti-Slavery Society was organized in Philadelphia under Garrison’s leadership; this society was the most militant of all the antislavery organizations. Viewed as fanatics by the general public, the abolitionists were relatively few in number? only about 160,000 in the period 1833 to 1840. Most were educated church people of middle-class New England or Quaker heritage. Support among the working and upper classes was minimal. In 1839 the society split into two main groups, the radicals and the gradualists. The division was caused by disagreement concerning policy and tactics. The radical leaders, who besides Garrison included Wendell Phillips, Lucretia Mott, and John Brown, refused to join a party necessarily committed to gradual and legal emancipation of the slaves; these leaders retained control of The Liberator and the American Anti-Slavery Society. The gradualists, who included James Birney, Arthur Tappan and his brother Lewis Tappan, and Theodore Weld, believed that emancipation could be achieved legally by means of religious and political pressure. Many other activists eventually supported working through political organizations to abolish slavery, including the most famous antislavery orator, Frederick Douglass. Douglass had escaped from slavery in 1838 and worked passionately for the antislavery cause. He joined other men and women, such as Sojourner Truth and Charles Lenox Remond, who traveled throughout the North testifying against slavery and organizing moral and political opposition. Abolitionist women commonly organized fairs and concerts to raise funds for antislavery work. In 1840 the Tappans founded the American and Foreign Anti-Slavery Society, which, along with numerous state organizations, carried on most of the United States antislavery agitation. One year earlier, a group led by Birney had founded the first antislavery political party, the Liberty party, in the United States. Birney was the unsuccessful presidential candidate (1840 and 1844) of the party, the adherents of which later helped found the Free-Soil party (1848) and the Republican Party (1854). By the 1850s advocacy of violence against slave owners had replaced the earlier â€Å"moral suasion. † This was especially true during the bitter controversy over extending slavery into Kansas. Only with the victory of Union forces in the American Civil War, however, could abolitionists claim a triumph. Blood and iron, not pure idealism, won the day. Most of the American antislavery societies were dissolved following the adoption in 1870 of the 15th Amendment to the United States Constitution.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Importance of Games and Sports

Posted in Essays, Paragraphs and Articles by Anurag Roy On August 27, 2013.There goes a good proverb—†All work and no play makes Jack a dull boyâ€Å".Games and sports are not only important for success in studio but it is important for success in every walks of our life. Games and sports include all outdoor and indoor games and also athletics. In ancient Greece they formed the principal part of education. In the advanced countries of the present day also they are a regular feature of the school and college curriculum.Games and sports may be of various kinds. Apart from school or college sports, boys and girls may practice races, jumps, discuss throw and javelin throw and thus pass their afternoon in useful activities. They may play various games like football, cricket, hockey, volleyball, basket ball, badminton etc.School and College Games and sports are annual affairs. Sports are generally held in winter months. Students take part in various games like high and long j umps, pole vault, go-as-you like and different kind of races. These annual sports foster competitive spirit and sportsmanship. Sometimes inter class tournaments are held in relation with football, hockey, cricket, tennis, cycling, volleyball, badminton etc. These games foster team spirit among the participants and make them disciplined.The importance of games and sports can never be minimizedFirst of all, they are good exercises and help to build fine, physique for the boys and girls. They make them mentally alert and physically strong. Secondly, students learn to cope with difficult situations. By displaying their feats before many spectators, they can overcome their nervousness. Thirdly, games and sports are good diversions and give them energy to learn their lessons well. For these reasons, every civilized nation values the importance of games and sports and spends large sum of money on improving the standard of games and sports among its players and athletes. The standard of gam es and sports in India is far from satisfactory. So, the  Government should take steps to improve this standard. Importance Of Games And Sports Survival and success of man has always depended upon his mental and physical energy. History tells us that only those nations could enjoy supremacy over others which more powerful and more active than their rivals. Therefore to develop standard of physical fitness nations of the world gave due importance to sports and games. In ancient Greece, such festivals were regularly held in which events of sports and games were arranged. The present day Olympic Games are conducted in the memory of Olympiads of the ancient Greece.Today in the modern age the importance of sports and games is much more than it was in the past. The impact of machine growing comforts of life, sports and games provide us the opportunities of physical exercise along with enjoyment. It is obvious that healthy individuals make a healthy nation and nobody can deny that, â€Å"Health is wealth† Every school and college has its sports day when annual competition in the games and sports are held. There are cricket c lubs, hockey associations, swimming clubs, boating clubs, football clubs and athletic forces of the country sports and games hold an unrivaled place.Also, the general population displays a keen interest in sports and games, The sports are popular among all classes of people; the reason is that sports influence a man physically and mentally as well as morally. In all kind of sports, the muscles of the body are engaged and so the body is developed. Different organs of the body are given exercise and as a result, eyes become sharper’ hearing is made keener and so on. It is quite obvious how sports influence the body but sports do much more. As Hippocrates said, â€Å"sport is a preservor of health†Playing games and sports has important advantages in a way that it socializes our lives. For example, when people intend to play basketball, they do it in groups. That will give them team spirit and a chance to identify each other very well and make friendships and relationships . So it is true that any of sports and games has advantages, since they decrease the stress, teach us skills that we need, satisfy us, and socialize our lives. And to get the most of the benefits, they should be practiced daily.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Bibliography Annotated Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Annotated Bibliography Example This essay will discuss John F Kennedy as one of the widely known international figures who fought for social justice fearlessly. John F Kennedy is one of the most mythologized figures in contemporary American history who was known for his debonair good looks, oratory skills and charismatic persona. Kennedy is also termed as one of the 20th century’s most memorable presidents who left a legacy that continues to enjoy the spotlight up to date. He was born in a rich, Irish-Catholics family that was connected to politics (Pascale 60). He and his eight siblings enjoyed a privileged childhood of elite private schools, sailboats, servants, and summer homes even though he used to suffer frequent serious illnesses during his childhood and youth (Bryant 28). Despite health challenges, Kennedy strove to make his own way whereby he wrote one of the best-selling books while still at Harvard and volunteered for hazardous combat obligation in the Pacific during World War II. Serving in the World War II made Kennedy a hero after which he quitted and worked as journalist for a short spell, and later entered into politi cs where he served in the House of Representatives from 1947 to 1953 and the Senate from 1953 to 1961. John F Kennedy become the president of the United States of America during some of the most tumultuous years of the 1960’s civil rights movement that was led by renowned civil rights activists like Dr Martin Luther King Jr (Dudziak 58). Civil right movement was fighting for equality for persons of African-American origin and Kennedy give the movement an ample support. As a matter of fact, many admirers think of Kennedy in terms of his youthful vibrancy, his popularity amongst the people and his commitment to social justice, especially for African-Americans. He was elected as the US president in 1960 partly

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

Maritime Logistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words - 1

Maritime Logistics - Essay Example Both parties sought to develop a solution meant to avert a strike, which would cause a substantial economic and social impact on East and Gulf Coast citisens and other business stakeholders. One port in eastern Florida employs approximately 64,000 workers on full-time and casual labour jobs. Staging of a strike means that the port will suffer an economic predicament for an indefinite period of time – certainly until authorities address the workers’ issues. According to maritime statistics, the port generates approximately $1 billion daily in form of gross domestic revenue to the US economy. This means that downing of tools by port workers will affect Florida residents because of the $1 billion revenue gap created on a daily basis. Among the stakeholders affected are export merchants involved in production and sale of agricultural produces. Norilsk (2012) argues that prolonged wrangles between workers and employers in the port will affect Florida farmers and other indust rial businesses that depend on the port for business activities. Efforts were made by the Longshoremen Association to pursue federal government into stopping the strike in the event that the parties could not reach an agreement. Despite these efforts, legal proceedings within the Florida judicial system allowed workers to continue with the strike. The courts arrived at this decision after considering the provisions availed by proportionate workers’ right in accordance with the Trade Union Ordinance. Therefore, the next step would be to appraise the economic and social impact that will result from the strike. Ports in Supply Chain Management Maritime technical operations indicate that ports play a significant role in international supply chain management. Supply chain management entails integration of technology, information, and manpower skills in facilitating the movement of products from the producer’s premises to the different types of consumers in the market. Wang (2007) states that the role played by supply chain management at the international business platform became more pronounced as a result of increased globalisation. Currently, these chains enhance synchronisation of business activities between trading partners. Supply chains facilitate flow of goods and information from one region to another. As a result, export companies can acquire relevant information meant to make future business decisions. From an economic perspective, producers will adjust their production likes based on consumer patterns observed in their market segments. On the other hand, consumers will only benefit in their trade relationship if they stay abreast of latest developments within the producers environment. This means that international supply chains are charged with the responsibility of developing and maintaining day-to-day movement of goods and information between trading regions. In the context of international supply chain management, ports play a key role as a source of relevant logistical infrastructure. Ports provide a suitable environment where buyers meet sellers. In this regard, involved stakeholders could adjust their business activities in relation to the dictates of supply and demand witnessed in ports. Supply inclines towards the trends created by the demand of goods and services within the consumer market. In this case, some producers wait

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

Business and culture Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Business and culture - Essay Example 3) My group got down to business straight away and just started discussing what the task was. Many of our personalities are geared towards getting things done in a timely manner, so it was good that we were all able to think along the same lines. Of course, this method has its downsides, but I think that we were all able to adapt to the situation at hand and work together towards completing our project. To do this, we set out a list of priorities and deadlines that we would all work towards so that everything was not left until the last minute. I think that this was good because it relived the stress on all of us. We decided that it would be better not to appoint one leader because if that person did not perform adequately, then it would affect the whole group. We came to the conclusion that it would be better if we shared leadership because then we would all be responsible for the success or failure of the group. I did not like this idea at the start because I felt that our group would be like a ship without a rudder, but I was pleasantly surprised that we all contributed equally to the project. As was mentioned above, we shared out responsibility among all the group’s members. To get work done faster, we assigned ourselves different roles that were based on our strengths. There were very few arguments over who should have done what because we all knew our role in the group and did not overstep our boundaries. Communication was surprisingly a strong point for us. At the beginning of the project, we all agreed to swap phone numbers so that we would all be reachable at any time. Also, we used methods such as Facebook and regular email to stay in contact. This was really good because we could remind each other about when we had to complete a task by. Of course, we also communicated face-to-face during class time and also during our breaks during the day. As was mentioned above, we were always reminding each other about what we had to do and when we had

Monday, August 26, 2019

Operational Factors of Maritime Theater Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Operational Factors of Maritime Theater - Essay Example The fear was that the United Kingdom was fighting a battle too far from home and that its people were the ones that would suffer in the end. In addition, time and space restraints have since resulted in the British resolving to not again enter a situation where their land-based air support was compromised and largely out of range. As a result, the maritime theater expressed by the UK military has greatly shifted as a results of conflict in the Falklands, and this can be reflected by a shift in operational space, force, and time. This discussion will begin with a cursory examination of the situation that resulted in the War in the Falklands. As with most wars, two opposing viewpoints certain resulted in the escalation of tensions between Argentina and Great Britain in terms of the Falklands. Argentina, believing that an island that just rested 200 miles from its coast could not possibly be considered a territory of the UK, which was thousands of miles away. For its part, England argued that the Falklands was parts of its long reaching arm of territories that had held for centuries and, as such, Argentina had no claim to it. Interestingly enough, while other countries were will to assist the UK on the diplomatic front, they were not willing to assist England in any type of physical military response. America, for example, use its strong diplomatic relations with Argentina to argue England’s side, but to no avail. For the conflict to be resolved, England was going to have to go to war on its own, and that it did. This lead to a revaluation of military tactics moving forward as it become evident that it was not feas ible to fight such a conflict so far from the homeland (Hill, 1988). As the Falklands rests in a remote area of the ocean, with Argentina being the closest land mass to it, England was left with nowhere to launch a true land

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Inherited and Environmental Influences on Development Essay

Inherited and Environmental Influences on Development - Essay Example According to the findings, Bronfenbrenner's Ecological Model (1979) explains that the behavior and development of an individual is an interplay of the individual’s biological and personality factors, his environment and the society and culture he was born into. Bronfenbrenner also claims that effects of interactions between the individual and his environment are two-directional or characterized by reciprocity. This means that while a child’s development is influenced and molded by his family, school and peers, he likewise influences and molds the behavior of others. The growing child moves through five systems that inter-relate and affect his development. The most basic of which is the microsystem, where direct contacts between the child and his immediate surroundings result in behaviors such as dependence or independence and cooperation or competition. An example of this is the home base of the child and his relationship with his family. The pure culture of the society this family lives in greatly influences how this family lives and how the child imbibes the culture as he expresses it in his developing personality. The mesosystem comprises the linkages and processes that take place between two or more settings with the child in common. A perfect example is how learning in school is supported by follow up lessons in the home. The third level comprising linkages and processes taking place between two or more settings is the exosystem. This includes at least one setting that does not directly involve the child but still influences the processes within the immediate setting of the child. An example is the parent’s occupation. The workplace of this parent does not contain the child, but processes at work may affect his development such as the hours spent there by the parent may affect the parent-child bond. The fourth system is the macrosystem which includes the customs, values, and laws considered important in the child’s culture and u pbringing. A child from another culture may celebrate special customs and traditions from his culture apart from the special occasions celebrated in his host country. Lastly, the chronosystem in Bronfenbrenner's Ecological model refers to the time that transpires as the child relates in his various environments. An example is a change that happens to the child while he grows up moving from one system to another, like the westernization of the values of a child originally from an Asian culture. This ecological model implies that the interplay and quality of the various systems and environments of the child will play different roles in influencing his development. Likewise, whatever comes out of that development will affect the various environments the child belongs to. For instance, the free expression of his culture may lead to environments being more accepting of it.

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Theories of Ethnicity and Nationalism Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Theories of Ethnicity and Nationalism - Essay Example She writes: â€Å"The two postwar periods of intense affirmation of ethnic categories in personal, social, cultural and political life were both unexpected. Indeed, in some quarters, re-attachment to the culture and community of birth was seen as a mistake of history. This is because of four distinct but, in this respect, converging processes which marked the world order immediately after the end of World War II: first, the process of de-colonisation and development in Asia and Africa; second, the process of integration in Europe; third, the process of expansion and entrenchment of Soviet communism; and fourth, the creation, in 1945, of the United Nations out of the ashes of the League of Nations. These great transformations were expected to create social conditions in which ethnicity and its related phenomenon, nationalism, would be superseded by more 'modern', universalistic, rational, civic or class-based forms of human identification, striving and association and by internationa l or transnational forms of human governance.† (Epstein, 2009) Following this, the important factors to note in post-war concepts of ethnicity are that nationalism and ethnicity had joined with fascism in the regimes of Germany, Italy, and Japan and this is largely credited with the aggression that fueled WWII. There is a perceived inherent danger of fanaticism in the fusion of identity politics and nationalism with ethnicity that led many to conclude that such belief was a â€Å"mistake of history†. (Epstein, 2009) However, in each instance where Leoussie cites popular expectation academically and popularly for a rejection of ethnicity in favor of international institutions or class-based structures of identity, historical evolution has proved that it did not in fact occur as expected. From this, Leoussie suggests that there are a number of â€Å"backlashes,† that occur in post-war academia that transform the way theories of ethnicity are posited in sociology pa rticularly, but also in related fields of anthropology, history, linguistics, psychology, etc. The four converging processes cited by Leoussie in the post-war era contain innumerable examples where theories of ethnicity and nationalism were proved false by subsequent historical development. In the first instance of de-colonisation in Asia and Africa, it is inevitable that liberation process and creation of new national identity would give birth to a stronger patriotic spirit in the indigenous population. However, many of the colonial areas were Western border constructions and the ethnic mix of the indigenous population contained innumerable different tribal groups, for example as in India, leading to further fragmentation of national identity on ethnic and religious lines, as in the partition of Pakistan and Bangladesh. The Socialist and Communist elements of national liberation struggles clearly expected the new identity to be based on class-consciousness and not ethnicity, and th is is replicated in the Soviet example in which innumerable ethnic minorities were repressed. Leoussie cites European integration post-war as a process despite the fact that the continent was divided during the Cold War because the division was on the ideological grounds of communism vs. capitalism rather than based on traditional

The Impact of Oil Prices on Economies of OPEC Countries Essay

The Impact of Oil Prices on Economies of OPEC Countries - Essay Example This research paper presents exploratory study, that deals with the overall economic issues, that OPEC countries face in the world economy. The purpose of the paper was to study the overall impacts of oil on OPEC countries. This research had followed a quantitative approach, as the collection of quantitative data is essential for developing a stronger academic framework. United States, Europe, and Japan all are desperate to lessen reliance on oil for safety and ecological reasons. The ways that have been projected are dual: fuel replacement for nuclear or more competent usages of energy. Some advancement has been realized on both fronts. But the cutbacks required mitigating the dependence on oil from Iran, Venezuela, and other OPEC states are further than what can be gained in the short or medium-term. Economists developed variety of theories about the role of OPEC nations in wielding its influence on the marketplace, whether through the self-governing projects of individual associates, via actions and plans commenced by semi-autonomous alliances functioning within the huge groups, or through combined plans cuddled and carried out by the organization en bloc. It is a question, whether OPEC has ever worked effectively in the way of a typical ‘interest group’. Still, OPEC nations have limited production in approaches that are not related to the domestic dearth of oil The American shift in paradigm toward alternative fuels causes some concern in OPEC countries that can see America’s demands lessen over a period of time.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Marketing Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2000 words

Marketing - Term Paper Example Some of these issues include, waste and pollution. This survey indicates that, Fiji’s competitors in this filed, face similar environmental issues (Gary and Philip, 123). The study reveals the change of operation adopted by these firms such that, they could suit the consumers who favor environmental sustainable products. For instance, the firms have actively embraced packaging and shipping methods, which have proved to be ecologically friendly to the environment and suits the consumer’s choice of environmental sustainable products (Gary and Philip, 134). Furthermore, the consumers have begun raising eyebrows on the type and quality of bottled water companies’ produce, due to the continued urge of consumers to obtain healthier life styles diets. This study reveals that, all these factor or issues have affected Fiji Company. Additionally, negative press has adversely affected Fiji’s socio-economic conditions, which have made it hard for attaining a competiti ve market niche both locally and internationally. For instance, this survey indicates that, Fiji was compelled to lay off approximately 40% of the staffing resources (Gary and Philip, 136). This implies that, the existing limited resources at Fiji’s disposal, a going forward action plan should be embraced. It should be cost effective and extremely efficient. Following the status of Fiji’s position in the market niche, a quick, but more analytic and critiquing four prospective strategic options to develop a rational decision in a bid to revive the revamped Fiji’s brand have been forged. Supporting this plan with diverse marketing tactics and apt communication channels, would attempt revive Fiji’s fortunes in the growth trend. Current situation The artesian water that was founded back in 1953 in a state called Coloradoand characterizes Fiji Water Company. Fiji’s water was first produced and sold to the global market in1996. This product sourced from an island called Artesian, then packaged, shipped and sold to intermediaries across the globe (Gary and Philip, 138). This product sizing is done in diverse and appropriate sizes. This study reveals that, the product was introduced to the US market in California and Florida states. The current headwaters of Fiji Company are located at Los Angeles. Jon Edward Cochran heads it. It is significant to note that, Fiji Company is a fully owned subsidiary of Roll International Corporation. Roll international is private owned firm whose worth is approximately $2b. It has over 4000 employees in diverse industries, which include, consumer packed products, floral services and agriculture. This study reveals that, the acquisition happened in 2004, when it cost $50m (Gary and Philip, 134). It is significant, to note that, the initial year of Fiji’s acquisition was a gigantic success, which saw the company’s sales raise up to 50% mark. This was excellent, bearing in mind the massive concentration of the water industry. Company Analysis and market strategies Feet industry The overall beverage industry had undergone a cumulative increase of 30% sales increase from 2004- 2008, and it was listed to be worth $39b. For instance, it was able to sale approximately 4750m gallons in early 2000 and 9450 in 2008. Furthermore, the feet industry category opened up new customers up to 24 million (Gary and Philip, 134). Conversely, as the worth of the bottled water category raised steadily at an average of 50% between 2004 and 2008 saw a meager 9% increase in 2009. Segmentation Within the beverage

Thursday, August 22, 2019

An analysis comparing the front pages of the Sun Essay Example for Free

An analysis comparing the front pages of the Sun Essay An analysis comparing the front pages of the Sun and the Mirror, considering the impact of ownership, the way front pages are constructed, the audience and issues of representation. Introduction The term Tabloid refers to a newspaper that focuses more on celebrity gossip and sport as opposed to a broadsheet, which puts more of an emphasis on serious issues and world affairs. Tabloids are renowned for their easy-reading factor with large print and many pictures, they are the ideal choice for people who are maybe not particularly intellectual, although this is of course a stereotype as many people from all different walks of life and intellectual abilities choose to read Tabloids. . Tabloid newspapers tend to be cheap and the newspapers we have chosen to study are no exception, with the Sun priced at 30p and the Mirror priced at 32p. The front pages that I will analyze were both published on Monday 17th November 2003 (just two days after Englands World Cup glory against Australia). In my opinion, it is important to study the tabloid press in order to have an understanding of the way in which they work. Also, we need to appreciate that bias is common and stories are not always truthful and that a particular trait of them is to sensationalize stories in order to make them appear more dramatic. Rupert Murdoch owns the Sun, which is only a fraction of his vast media empire. Other mediums in his power include the Times, Sky television and News of the World. Born in 1931 in Australia, Murdoch is considered one of the most influential media entrepreneurs of today. Murdoch is a strongly right-wing capitalist who famously helped to keep Margaret Thatcher in power. In contrast, the owner of the Mirror, Robert Maxwell, born in 1923 was strongly in favour of the Labour party and hated Margaret Thatcher, which, therefore, made him a socialist. These political views are important because of the vast effect that they have on readers; for example, because Murdoch supported Thatcher, it is likely that they would have launched a campaign to keep her in power. This would have had a major influence on the general public. Institution The dangers of cross-media ownership are quite severe. One of the main effects that can occur is one point of view being broadcast over a variety of different medias. As a result, most people will receive news and current affairs in a way that is biased towards the owners perspective. This would influence the audiences to shape opinions similar to those of the owner. The two front pages have both obviously been influenced by the ownership. The Sun, who are in favour of Bush, has run the same story as the Mirror but have written the story to represent Bush in a positive light. This is particularly illustrated through the photographs used in the articles. The Mirror has used a picture that portrays Bush to be solemn and unfriendly. In contrast, The Suns makes Bush appear pleasant and welcoming. In addition, the headlines Chicken George and Your troops did not die in vain show Bush in contrasting lights. Obviously, Murdoch or his editors have chosen a quote from George Bush to make their newspaper appear important and have placed a banner which proclaims: Bushs personal message to Sun readers; this is effective as it personalizes it and therefore increase sales rate because you may buy the paper to discover the message and also making it personal is a successful persuasive technique. The PCC (Press Complaints Commission) is a body which controls what the press can and cannot do, all newspapers must adhere to the PCCs code. In my opinion, the Mirror have stretched this code for not distinguishing between conjecture and fact, particularly in the quote: Was last night branded a chicken because it does not state who says it, for all we know it could have been the journalists opinion; however, they get away with it! In conclusion, a knowledge of institution (who controls what you read and how people and events are represented in the media) is extremely important in order to understand the ways that tabloids can be biased by ownership and to avoid being persuaded one particular viewpoint we must discover the facts before we make pre or misconceived judgements about a current issue. Media Language The main features of the front page of the Mirror are, first, a picture of Jonny Wilkinson. A white light, which makes him appear angelic and a hero surround him, this is paired with the headline Jonny B God it is securing his place as a national hero. Secondly, your eyes are drawn to the headline Chicken George. Moreover, there is a 3am section aimed specifically at women; this may help to attract more women customers because they feel they are being catered for. In comparison, on the front page of the Sun, there is also a picture of Jonny Wilkinson from a slightly different angle and then the headline: your troops did not die in vain. This headline is also underlined which connotes a sense of importance. The masthead of the Sun is rather plain, containing only the basic facts of price, name, website and date. Whereas the mast head of the Mirror is more bold and angular which makes it appear more significant, it contains all the same facts as the Sun apart from in place of the website are the words Newspaper of the Year. This is more effective because it implies that people have chosen this newspaper over the Sun. The language of the Suns headline is quite formal and it is also unusual to have a quote as headline. This is quite effective because it suggests that there is a special feature about Bush inside which could be a selling point of the paper. However, the language of the Mirrors front page is quite informal and immature, this may appeal to people who want a light hearted read so it could equally use this as a selling point. It very much depends on the individual. The tone of the Mirror is rather like a parody of George Bush: it mocks him and taunts him, which presents him in a negative light. On the other hand, The Sun is rather serious and they appear to be hanging on to Bushs every word. The news values according to theorists Galtung and Ruge referred to on the front pages of the Sun and the Mirror are both demand, reference to elite persons and reference to something negative. The political orientation is evident on both headlines, particularly by the slant that is put on the splash stories. The tones of both articles imply two contrasting things about George Bush. In summary, the format of a tabloid front page will often contain at least one picture, usually more, and the picture will tend to be at the top of the page or at the side. The headline will often be below and, usually, the main photograph will not link to the splash. Audience The audience is vital to the press, without an audience there would be no press. They shape what stories are run and the political orientation. Tabloids are popular because of their easy reading factor. They often focus more on human-interest stories, which can make the newspapers a more compelling read they are also often more accessible than broadsheets which tend to be aimed at more business men whereas tabloids are stereotypically aimed at manual workers aged between 25 and 50. The papers address their audiences in very separate ways. Whilst the Mirror tends to use headlines and language that their audience can relate to, the Sun often use provocative pictures to entice men to buy the paper; this is based on the idea that sex sells. The Mirror has obviously attempted to appeal to women by including a section only aimed at them, which contains a Love Actually feature. In addition to these there is a free Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles DVD that may appeal to families, predominantly families with young sons. Also, there is another free gift of a poster of Jonny Wilkinson that is chiefly aimed at supporters of England and sports fans. If a tabloid published a story that was of high demand, it is likely that the sales rate would increase for that day. However, if you put on a story that some find offensive then you would expect the sales rate to decline. Demand for a story though is probably the deciding factor for whether or not a story would appear on the front page or not. Tabloids can have a major influence on many things by what they say and do. For example, if a tabloid was in favour of the Labour party at the time of an election, it is very likely that they could use their influence to encourage others to vote labour. Representation The main factors that influence how a story is being represented are the political bias of the owner and editor, the popularity of a person or an event or, occasionally, how the person who is being represented wishes to be portrayed. However, this is rare as editors know they are much more likely to sell papers when they make reference to something negative according to Galtung and Ruges theory of news selection. The story on Jonny Wilkinson in the Mirror represents him in a positive light, the white glow around him connotes that he is of an almost godly status because of the denotation on the screen, and the headline Jonny B God confirms this. Jonny Wilkinson was not particularly an elite person before all the media coverage of his notorious drop-goal, so all the stories in the papers have contributed to his super-star reputation. Obviously, he has been represented in this way because of the demand from their audience. The only reason he has been represented in this way is because he won the World Cup, if he had missed his drop-goal then such a fuss would not of been made and Jonny Wilkinson would not have been the nations hero. Foreign news is much less likely to be reported in newspapers than local news. This is because the general public are much less likely to be interested in something that is happening abroad unless it applies directly to them. Therefore, in the newspapers, foreign news that does not apply to us as a country, very rarely occurs in the British press. In my opinion, the editor of the Sun has chosen to represent George Bush in a good way because of the renowned political opinion of his newspaper and because he is aware of his audiences political opinions as well. Therefore, he must conform to these expectations. Similarly, the Mirror is required to do the same but instead of making George Bush appear good, they must present him as being weak and fearful. The way a story is represented affects whether the public are supportive or unsupportive to a current news affair depending on how it has been represented in the media through the use of language and photographs. Newspapers aim to cause controversy through putting bias on stories, this is specifically to manipulate a certain reaction from the public. In conclusion, the way newspapers represent something has a particular effect on how it is received by the public. Conclusion The foremost difference between the Sun and the Mirror are the contrasting political viewpoints. This is evident in many of their stories by the bias that is used. I think that the Mirrors layout is better than the Suns because it appears more orderly and not so cluttered. In my opinion, the tabloid press is an important and influential part of society. I disagree with the way that they harass celebrities and invade their privacy but appreciate that this all part of their job. I also realize that it is vital to be aware of the ways that ownership can affect the way an issue is represented. Furthermore, it is crucial to be able to recognise bias in a tabloid and the reasons a story has been biased in order to make up your own mind without being influenced by the opinion of a journalist.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

The Products Of Herbal Essences Marketing Essay

The Products Of Herbal Essences Marketing Essay Herbal Essences is a brand of hair product founded in 1971 by Clairol. In 2002, Procter and Gamble acquired Herbal Essences from Clairol, Inc. Herbal Essences is a global brand of hair-care products that distribute various different Shampoo, Conditioner, Hair Coloring, Mousse, Hairspray, and Gel products (Procter Gamble, 2012, p. 3). Procter and Gamble entered as a hair colorant and renovated the product of Herbal Essences (Matusow, 2008). In this section we will analyze the target market strategies, which Procter and Gamble used to help their product Herbal Essences grow more than 40 percent in sales globally (Procter Gamble, 2007, p. 12). According to McGreog (2008), since Procter and Gamble acquired Herbal Essences their main marketing objective was to change their product and to revive their failing brand within the shampoo industry. Hence, the company wanted to market towards a more youthful audience. The brand was originally focused on women who wanted natural hair care products. It dealt with ingredients such as herbal and organic aspect of the product. Procter and Gamble wanted to reposition their hair products by creating a fun and youthful appeal while having the natural ingredients. Procter and Gamble did this so they do not lose their brand loyalists. Herbal Essences target market consists of Generation Y female users ranging from the age of 14-30 (McGregor, 2008). Herbal Essences target markets are individuals who are going to school, entering college, and young moms. Consumers of Herbal Essencess products share more than a common hair-care product, they share common lifestyles. In order to understand the appeal of their products, Herbal Essences continues to research their cultural and social environment. They do this by learning more about the consumers psychographics and behavioral characteristics. The goal in doing so is to sell more hair products by understanding the changing wants and the needs of the market segment. The needs of this market segment According to MediaPost (2008), in recent efforts to better understand and attract the youthful audience towards Herbal Essences, Procter Gamble and the Beauty Business Chief, Susan Arnold had an idea to re-invent their products by completely re-branding Herbal Essences. In order to rebrand themselves they conducted their own research such as consumer surveys, market research and observing buying patterns of younger consumers. She took on the task of finding a way to build up the failing brand with a small group of people from research and development, marketing, and design. The small team worked together with branding agency Libby Perszyk Kathman (LPK) to target the market of Generation Y females (MediaPost, 2008). As Lukovitz (2007) states in her article Herbal Essence Snags 2007 Rebrand 100 Global Award the team instantly started on 18 months of extensive consumer research. During the time the team emerged in May 2006 with a new target market audience tailored towards the spontaneous, optimistic, altruistic, experiential Generation Y (Lukovitz, 2007). Herbal Essences changed the whole product from scratch which they referred to as the from-scratch strategy which included a new logo, adding several catchy new product names, and adding new packaging. Herbal Essences research discovered that women like to buy hair care products within the same brand. The packaging emphasizes the shape, the new shampoo and conditioner bottles where designed to fit together on the shelf, encouraging the youthful audience to buy the product as a whole and driving up sales (Lukovitz, 2007). In order for Herbal Essences to communicate their product to their new target market, they have used an innovative way to reflect their product upon the youthful generation. Herbal Essences uses this technique consistently throughout their product packaging and promotions. For example, the names of their products such as Hello Hydration, Drama Clean, and Tousle Me Softly (Herbal Essences, 2012). The name of these products reflects the tone and personality of the youthful audience which effectively appeals to their target market. Their target market likes to be aware of the latest trends in hairstyles and looks that could be obtained by using their products. Their target market wants a brand that focuses on their needs and is funky as them; a product which has an emotional connection, and makes them feel like the product is a part of their lifestyle. This market strategy also play a role into targeting the older part of the demographic, towards young mothers around the age of 30 who may look for hair care products for their daughters. They would be prone to buy the product since it gives a youthful and a modern vibe unlike other hair care product competitors. Herbal Essences indirectly cleverly uses the youthful appeal towards the older demographics that could also purchase their product, because they are tempted to feel younger (Lukovitz, 2007). Herbal Essences revolutionized the way companies target their market. It moved from a failing brand into a successful brand. The strategies they applied into targeting their market changes the way companies and their products speak to their consumers, appears to their customers, and how they might even position their products on the shelf to compete with their competitors (McGregor, 2008). Herbal Essences hair-care products stand out because it has been designed and formulated specifically for their target market needs. With the products of Herbal Essences, their target market can match their unique personality with their products.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

Collusive Behavior in Soft-drink Market Econometric Analysis

Collusive Behavior in Soft-drink Market Econometric Analysis Brief Summary This paper proposes a methodology to study a firm’s strategic behavior by combining game theoretic concepts and recent economic developments. It analyses various forms of collusive behavior of firms on two strategic variables-price and advertising- in a differentiated market dominated by a duopoly. The econometric methodology adopted is fully structural. The methodology involves specification of demand and cost functions and hypotheses about the strategic interactions among players. The parameters of the demand functions and the cost functions are estimated under different strategic hypotheses. Prior work have modeled strategic interactions (output and pricing decisions) in a non-cooperative static method using static conjectural variation models. However, recent developments in game theoretic work as well as experimental evidence have shown evidence of cooperation among players in repeated game contexts even under the assumption on non-cooperative behavior. Such kind of cooperation is referred to as tacit collusion. Given the complexity of empirical study of collusive behavior, the authors deal with the black box of strategic dynamic interactions by selecting a sufficiently rich range of formulations expressing various degrees of collusion. With two observable instruments of competition-price and advertising, the authors offer various simple formulations of collusive behavior and select among them. The merits of each formulation is based on the range of possible levels of collusion. Since the econometric models are nonnested, tests for nonnested hypotheses is performed to select the most adequate model. The models are estimated by full information maximum likelihood methods. This study also extends the traditional conjectural approach for the empirical analysis of market power. The proposed methodology is then applied to the soft drink industry which is dominated by The Coca-Cola Company and Pepsico duopoly. Three models of non-collusive behavior and three models of collusive behavior is estimated. Based on the results, the hypotheses of non-collusive behavior is rejected. The results suggest some tacit collusive behavior in advertising between the Coca-Cola Company and Pepsico for period covered by the sample data. However, collusion on prices does not seem to be well supported by the data. The methodology allows for various switching regimes specifications because there is a potential change of behavior in the middle of the sample. The paper estimated models with two regimes- before and after 1976. Results show that Coca-Cola is a Stackelberg leader in price and advertising until 1976, and after 1976 there is collusion in advertising and prices. Results also show an increase in market power for both the firms after 1976 based on the Lerner indices calculations. Key Strengths Simplifies demand and cost specifications by imposing restrictions on parameters as per economic theory On the broader level, there is a formidable task of simultaneously estimating demand and cost functions, and to determine the most adequate collusive hypotheses. Because of this enormous demand on data, there is a need for simple specifications that limit the number of estimated parameters with the risk of having results that can be strongly affected by the implied misspecifications. So a simple demand specification is chosen for analytical and empirical tractability. This is done by imposing restrictions on parameters based on economic theory. So based on economic theory, constraints are imposed on the parameters signs. The given demand specification implies diminishing returns in advertising and also allows for a wide range of cross-advertising effects. The effect of advertising has also been restricted only for the given quarter. This restricted form of advertising effects decreases the complexity of the reduced form. Constraints are also imposed on the parameters of cost functions based on economic theory. A choice of constant marginal cost is made for analytical and empirical tractability. Takes into account model misspecification with respect to statistical inference Model misspecification can happen when the models are simplified as in this case and when the models are not correctly specified. So the models that are statistically dominated by another competing model are misspecified. However, statistical inference can be made on the parameters of these models provided White robust t statistics are used. Adopts full information maximum likelihood method for getting reliable estimates Limited or full information estimation by 2SLS and 3SLS methods have certain drawbacks. One such drawback is that it does not provide estimates of some structural parameters such as the collusion parameter and the coefficients in the cost functions. Another drawback is that they produce unreliable estimates. Also, the standard Wald statistics cannot be used directly because each set of nonlinear restrictions appear in the explicit or parametric form. Instead one must use the generalized Wald statistics that requires a nonlinear minimization for each set of restrictions. The last drawback is that selection among the models can only be done indirectly through these generalized Wald tests. This may lead to undesired outcomes. To avoid the above mentioned issues, the authors adopt a direct method that estimates by maximum likelihood (ML) each model with its defining set of nonlinear constraints. This method produces in most cases very reliable estimates. Computes multiple elasticity measures to get a better grasp of the magnitude of parameter estimates The authors are able to calculate own price, cross-price and income elasticities for each demand equation. They also calculate the own and cross-advertising elasticities. The cross advertising elasticity has been further decomposed into predatory advertising elasticity and global advertising elasticity based on the concepts of predatory and spillover effects introduced by Roberts and Samuelson (1988). Predatory advertising elasticity gives the rate of change of the market share of firm j caused by a 1% increase in the advertising of firm i. Global advertising elasticity gives the rate of change of the total market demand caused by a 1 % increase in the advertising of firm i. The spillover effect of advertising corresponds to a distribution of the change in total demand due to the advertising of firm i in proportion to the share of firm j. This can be defined from the decomposition of cross advertising elasticity. The model allows for various switching regimes specifications The price of Coca-Cola showed an unusual increase in fall 1976 and was immediately followed by a sharp fall. This period corresponds to the mid-1970s sugar crisis. So on the basis of this observation the authors have extended their work by formulating and estimating models with two regimes- before and after 1976. The two regime models are estimated using a switching dummy variable which has the role of imposing the proper set of nonlinear constraints on the general linear model within each period. The results indicate that Coca-Cola is a Stackelberg leader in price and advertising until 1976, and that collusion in advertising and competition in price takes place after 1976. Extends the conjectural variation approach and compares it with the collusive models used The authors extend the traditional conjectural variation approach to the case of differentiated products with two control variables- price and advertising. When contrasting this approach to theirs, the authors find evidence that their collusive models cannot be viewed as special cases of conjectural approach. The conjectural model and any of the collusive models used in the paper are nonnested. Particularly, the conjectural model imposes a different set of restriction on the parameters of the general linear model in comparison to the restrictions imposed by collusive models.

Monday, August 19, 2019

The Mr. T. Experience, Yo La Tengo, and The Knitting Factory?...Oh... :: Free Essays Online

The Mr. T. Experience, Yo La Tengo, and The Knitting Factory?...Oh... "Tonight at Tramps, Chisel, Fuzzy and Velocity Girl, seven dollar cover, all ages." Before I became indie rock literate I would not have been able to understand the above quote from a concert flier. Someone who is indie rock illiterate might read it as an add for a brothel, featuring the use of tools, and hairy fast women of all ages. On the other hand, someone who is indie rock literate would know to read it as "tonight at the concert venue called Tramps there will be a show featuring the bands Chisel, Fuzzy and Velocity Girl, it costs seven dollars to get in and you may be any age to attend." I used to watch my friends Mike and Zoe with awe and jealousy. They had found a way into the seemingly elite world of indie rock (independent rock music). They bought the records, wore the clothes, and most importantly they spoke the language. The language was one that sounded a lot like English, but it was filled with words and phrases like "Brownie's," "Bikini Kill," and "all ages show". It was clear that although these could be taken as normal English words they had other meanings, meanings with which I was not familiar. I wondered how these friends of mine had managed to obtain their passports into this land of mystery, wonder, and seven-inch singles. I now know that there is not a secret handshake that gets a person into the indie rock scene. Nor is there a panel of ultra-cool guardians hiding out in rock clubs deciding who's in and who's out. There is merely a certain type of literacy that one eventually picks up if one observes and listens and lets oneself become part of the scene. Just like any other kind of literacy, nobody is born with it, it needs to be learned. My transition from illiteracy to literacy in this area has become something of a blur for me. I'm not sure when or how I became indie rock literate, but I am now. One of the most important aspects of this form of literacy is that it enables me to talk to people about something that I am interested in. Being indie rock literate, it is easier to clearly convey thoughts and ideas that have to do with the world that particular subculture within American popular culture.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A.M.Holmes Music For Torching, Seth MacFarlanes Family Guy, and Tony

A.M.Holmes' Music For Torching, Seth MacFarlane's Family Guy, and Tony Kushner's Angels in America The social progression of America in the 20th and 21st centuries has been arguably advantageous. In the years following the feminist and civil rights movements, the United States has undeniably developed into the world’s leading democratic system. Women and minorities have equal citizenship status under the law. There are more females in the workforce than ever before, and formerly guarded issues such as homosexuality and domestic problems can now be addressed openly in social and political forums. However, the question remains as to whether or not such progression has benefited American culture and its population as a whole. Perhaps we have become too liberal, too timorous at addressing one another’s differences, resulting in the perpetual fear of coming across as too politically incorrect when expressing one’s opinions. Perhaps our social order has become excessively inverted; women are born intended to slave over the hot stove, and only males and females are b iologically prearranged to copulate. Perhaps we are still not tolerant enough, as many minorities still suffer quietly under a largely heterosexual-Caucasian-male-dominated regime. What we have gained from free thinking and global assimilation, we have also lost in traditional principles. Despite the cultural uncertainties that have risen from national change, it is evident that the â€Å"American dream† is no longer the embodiment of attaining the white picket fence and happy home that it once was. Postmodern texts seek to examine this social revolution by examining and questioning our social evolution. Three examples of such texts, A.M. Homes’ Music For Torching, Seth... ...ent of theories and doctrines? Have the values of America diminished because of such progression? Or has our nation not progressed at all, and remained stagnant because, as Kushner would contend, we have repeatedly committed the same societal mistakes throughout history? Though we have solved certain dilemmas, new ones have arisen. Americans cherish free enterprise, yet we have come to recognize that money cannot buy happiness. Women may now enter the workforce, but are forced to arbitrate between a career and children. Husbands face mid-life crises about the issue of their masculinity. In general, the simple idealism of the rags-to-riches success story is no longer the dream of the postmodern American. Our ambition has instead become a fixation with establishing and accepting one’s own identity and the identities of others despite continuing social uncertainties.

Norma Fox Mazer :: Biography Biographies Essays

Norma Fox Mazer      Ã‚  Ã‚   There are, and have been, many great authors. One of my favorite authors is Norma Fox Mazer. I have had a few teachers recommend this author to me, so I decided to read her books. They are entertaining. I like Norma's books because she writes about things that happen in people's lives, such as divorce and boy/girl problems. Her books are exciting, and make you want to keep reading. I have read a couple of books by Norma, including Good Night, Maman. It is historical fiction, and about a Jewish girl who is taken from her mother, and travels to Fort Ontario in Oswego, New York. It is an excellent book because it is fun to read about Oswego's past. Another book I am reading is A, My Name is Ami, which is enjoyable so far. Norma is a great author, and writes about realistic, but exciting subjects.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Norma Fox Mazer is an interesting person. She was born on May 15, 1931 in New York City. Her family was Jewish, but as an adult she does not follow the Jewish religion. Norma grew up in Glen Falls, New York, and lived at the foothills of the Adirondack Mountains. Norma had a good childhood; she went to school, loved to read, and played the violin, then the bass fiddle, and finally the clarinet. She also had a very vivid imagination.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Norma's family life was supportive. She had a mother, Jean (Garlen) Fox, a father, Michael Fox, and three sisters. Norma was the middle child. Norma's dad was a route deliverer, delivering milk, bread, and other household items. Her mom was a saleslady. Farther up the family tree were Norma's grandparents. They were Jewish immigrants from Poland, and owned a bakery. Norma remembers doing many things with her family, such as going to the candy store, the family listening to their mother tell stories, the rhubarb that the family grew outside, and the cold winters with King of the Hill and skating. Norma's family lived in many different apartments, but all the moving did not ruin her education.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Norma Fox, which was her maiden name, had a good education. As a child, she went to elementary school.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Individual Change Initiative- Dell Computers Essay

Dell incorporation was established in 1984 and is headquartered in Rock, Texas. A multinational technology corporation develops, manufactures, develops, sells and supports personal computers as well as those products that are related to computers. For many years since its establishment, Dell has been the largest seller of servers and personal computers. In 2008, it was the listed as the second largest seller of computers behind an upcoming company, the HP. It uses the direct business model where it develops, designs, manufactures, markets, sells and supports IT systems and services designed to fulfill the specific requirements of its customers (CNN, 2009). The company has an objective of entering the market fast with relevant and new technology that can assist in meeting the needs of its clients, providing services and reducing the inventory and capital investment costs. The strengths of the direct model enable Dell to perform strongly and deliver profitability in its business. Some of the products that are offered by the company include desk computer systems, software, peripherals, mobility products, network products, servers and storage products (CNN, 2009). Competitiveness and Rivalry Dell was the 2005 number one supplier of personal computers both in the United States and globally. This leadership in market is attributed to its focus on selling the services and products directly to the customers (CNN 2009). The prices of personal computers have fallen and Dell has faced stiff competition from other companies such as Hewlett-Packard, Apple, Sun Microsystems, Lenovo, Gateway, Sony, Toshiba, Acer and Asus. This has prompted the company to do all it can to undercut competition and to offer to its customers more attractive choice of PCs as well as other products (Bergstein 2006). It is clear that in the current economic world, businesses that deal with similar products are engaged in competition and rivalry as they try to outdo each other and make as much sales and thus profits. This calls for the businesses to restructure their internal operations so that they can forge ahead of their competitors (Hitt, 2007). This is taking place in the business environment that Dell Inc. operates as it faces stiff competition from its rivals in the computer hardware manufacturing industry (Hitt, 2007). Such kind of competition would call for the management of Dell to come up with a process of managing change that is continuous in order to have a business advantage over its rivals continuously. There are three strategies that can be used by any business organization to formulate strategies: focus, cost minimization and differences (Hitt, 2007). Vision: Being the Leading Seller of PCs and related products However since these strategies can be easily copied by the rival companies, a clear vision should be established that will guide the company in its operations. Dell should therefore come up with the vision of being the world’s largest seller of personal computers and computer related products. This vision should not only be presented in writing but should be the basis of any plan or operation that is undertaken in the company (Kotelnikov, 2009). The management and the employees must be made to understand that Dell Inc. is facing stiff competition from other companies and thus should perform every task with the aim of making the company have an advantageous edge over the other similar companies. Change may not take place unless the majority of the employees are ready to make sacrifices (short term) and they should be made to understand the benefits of that change (Kotter, 1996). Major challenges to the vision must first be identified as this would enable the company to study and eradicate them if the vision is to been achieved. One major setback has been the fact that in most cases, products by Dell are only accessible by phone or through the internet. Though this may go well with the company especially in cost cutting, it may be an obstacle for larger sales. This is because the world is in the generation of instant things and â€Å"fast foods† and thus customers may be hindered from engaging in businesses where they have to wait for a longer period before they can obtain the products that they require. Mossberg (2008) gives an example of a combination of ink-jet printer/scanner/copier called DellA940 that is very superior when compared to H-P’s 2110 in speed, services and costs, but the setback with its purchase is that the ink cartilages that it uses can only be obtained by phone or internet. Making the Dell Inc the largest seller of personal computers would also require the Dell Company to set up goals and strategies in line with the vision of making the company the leading seller of computers as well as related products. One of such goals would be to make its products the most efficient and admirable by all the customers keeping in mind the ever-changing technology and innovations. Some of the products that Dell manufactures include laptops that are in different types, such as Vostro, Latitude, Dell Precision, Specialty laptops, inspiron and studio (Del Inc. 2009). Other products include the desktops, workstations, servers, storage and networking devices, printers, monitors and projectors. However, companies such as HP also manufacture and sell personal computers, printers and servers and this has become a major business threat to Dell. For example in 2006 Dell was using the Intel chips as compared to HP’s use of AMD chips (regarded as more superior) which was seen as a disadvantage (Cantrell, 2006). Also the company can become a leading company in computer hardware manufacturing business by focusing on achieving different mix of products which may include those that are none related with personal computer such as the storage products, servers and services. This would make it not to rely so much on personal computer business, which accounts for sixty-six percent of the company’s sales. Experts believe that HP has an advantage over Dell especially with large corporate customers because it has a diversified mix of businesses (Cantrell, 2006). The other strategy that should be considered by Dell Inc should be to improve the customers’ relations. Customer relation is important because it has been proven that keeping the already existing customers is easier than getting the new ones and because those customers that are satisfied will do the advertising for the company’s products. All the Dell employees should be trained on how to improve customer relations by ways such as appreciating the customers orally, in writing or through the websites. Any complains that is raised by any of the customers should be solved immediately and in a friendly way. This can be done by replacing or repairing any product that is reported to have been faulty or even by refunding them their money or adding them a gift (Alibaba, 2009). The customers should also be given clear guidelines on how to make orders easily for any products with full information on how to do it. When customers have made any purchase, a questionnaire should be sent to them to show that the company is concerned about their satisfaction. Finally, the customers should be given as many options for contact as possible and when they send any enquiry or order it should be attended to immediately (Alibaba, 2009). For the employees of Del Incorporation to feel part of the vision, they should not only be made a part of it verbally, but should also be motivated so that they can work very hard towards it. This should be done during the signing of the contract where the employees should be given the opportunity to choose the kind of the training contract that they want to sign. â€Å"Fully self directed† contract should be encouraged as the worker will fill in the topic of training, the process of training and the mode of assessment. The document will then be ratified by the supervisor or by the HR manager. This would be very important, as employee’s resistance has been a major obstacle to the fulfillment of any company’s vision (Hitt, 2007). The workers can be motivated in different ways such as being offered morale boosters such as being offered a free ice cream at the end of every week, picnic or a movie. This makes employees to feel part of the company thus will do everything to support the vision of making Dell the leading seller of PCs and related products. Their views though may not be implemented should also be received by the management. Any time they perform a task in line with the company vision, they should be rewarded, for example with a day off or with a cash prize, a day off or a certificate of appreciation (Microsoft, 2009) For this vision to come true, every part of Dell workforce should be involved. The management of the company should be responsible in articulating the vision to the workers and motivating them. They should direct the employees in line with the strategies that they have come up with as well as supervise them in implementing them. The human resource manager is also very instrumental in ensuring that there is a communications structure encouraging the employers to work towards the vision. All employees raging from the support staff, engineers, marketers, public relations officers, web designers, managers and even accountants should be involved in the vision designing as well as its achievement. The marketers and the public relations officers will play very important roles as they are the ones who will be in direct contact with the customers and will portray the picture of the company either positively or negatively. The engineers and the researchers will be very useful as they will be involved in the process of manufacturing personal computers and other computer related products that would compete with similar products of the other rival companies. If the all stakeholders in the company join their hands and work towards the vision, then Dell Inc. will become the leader in selling PCs and related products in the entire globe. References Alibaba. 43 Phenomenal ways to improve your customer relations. Retrieved March 24,   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   2009, from   Bergstein, B. (July, 19 2006). PC market called â€Å"healthy† despite weak demand in Europe.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚   Retrieved 24 March 2009, from Cantrell, A. (Feb. 10 2006). All’s not well with Dell. CNN. Retrieved March 24, 2009,   Ã‚  Ã‚   from CNN. (2009). Dell inc- company information. Retrieved March 24, 2009, from   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚ Hitt, al (2007).   Strategic management concepts. Wiley. Retrieved March 24, 2009,      Ã‚  Ã‚  from

Friday, August 16, 2019

Avoiding Groupthink Essay

The case study we are addressing this week involves how a team and Project Manager avoid Groupthink and its pitfalls. In order to understand what group think is you have to refer to Irving Janus who coined the phrase back in 1972. He related that Group Think is when a group makes a decision based on group pressure; it can lead to faulty decisions. Janus, 1972) Some of the symptoms that Irving Janus documented of group think are Illusion of invulnerability, Collective rationalization, Belief in inherent morality, Stereotyped views of out-groups, Direct pressure on dissenters, Self-censorship, Illusion of unanimity, and Self-appointed ‘mind guards’. (Janus, 1972) In our book, Making the Team: A Guide for Managers states that there are three (3) key symptoms that take root and they are Over Estimation of the Group, Closed Mindedness and Pressure towards Uniformity. These will be the 3 areas I am going to focus on. Over Estimation of the Group Now that we know what group think is we can move on to how a team and Project Manager might avoid the mistakes and downfalls of Group Think situations. (Thompson, 2008) When a team is falling into a group think methodology a Project Manager must be able to recognize the signs before any decisions are made and set in motion. If the group is making statements that start with we feel, we think, or we suspect it is a good indicator that they just don’t know or are just following along with the consensus of the group. Group think can cause problems when everyone goes with the flow especially on a wrong decision. In using group think methodology management has to weigh the pros and cons of the group’s decision from all sides. Sometimes a little more research prior to implementing a group think decisions should be done or a devil’s advocate should be assigned into the group think matrix in order to prevent team members from being led down a garden path. The one thing I have noticed when in a group think situation, the group always looks for someone to be the mouthpiece for the group, this person usually has strong leadership skills but can be short sited and very opinionated which rubs off on the group as a whole. Some team members tend to have difficulty explaining or relating what is on their mind in a group setting, they rather tell their ideas one on one because they are an introvert by nature! They would rather have the extrovert take charge and be the one who voices the opinions or decisions of the group. They tend to stay out of the lime light. Project Managers should encourage team members to bring out concerns or objections to issues that are being discussed and/or considered, he/she should not influence the team with his or her own preferences to the issue, he/she should play the devil’s advocate and guide conflict in a positive manner, the group should be allowed to be evaluated by other groups and critiqued in an unbiased manner, splitting the group into different sub groups to bring out and investigate different alternative solutions or methods that could be used, call meetings with the group to discuss and evaluate any decisions prior to instituting them and develop alternatives for each methodology prior to giving final approvals. (Thompson, 2008) A good Project Manager should keep his group focused on the project at hand, have weekly meetings to check progress of his team to ensure that discussions are being conducted that is giving the group the necessary conflict for them to evaluate potential risks and dangers involved with the decisions they are recommending. The Project Manager should make the team aware that they can bring up ideas or doubts about any issue without the fear of being ridiculed or rejected by other team members. The ultimate goal is for the Project Manager to make his team work as a team through having all members contributing their knowledge and skills in making the project a success.

Thursday, August 15, 2019

The Day Then It End

The year that women decided to stand up for their right’s was the year that the case Roe vs. Wade came about. The author of the article that I chose was a writer for a newspaper, and is reliable for this aspect. The author could have chosen to write this article because he or she felt strongly about the women’s rights that were at jeopardy at the time. The article takes place in a town in Texas where a woman was denied the choice of having an abortion. The article then continues to give you facts about the court case, the different opinions of the jury, and the final ruling.The article that I chose was over the case and covered many aspects about the rights of women and their right to choose. The biggest part of this article is the author’s choice to use pathos as an explanation as to why the case happened. This is evident throughout the entire article, as it is written over a very touchy subject. Some words that we see repeated throughout the article are â€Å" privacy† and â€Å"choice†. These relate to pathos because they make you see just what was at jeopardy for not only Roe, but women all across the United States.When the word privacy is continually used, it evokes the emotion that women were being violated in the means of privacy. This is also used to evoke an emotion that in no way is abortion a right to privacy, which is seen in the portion of the article titled â€Å"Dissenting Opinion†. The word choice is seen multiple times throughout the article and can evoke two different kinds of emotions as well. On one hand, the word choice is used to really hit home to you in the way that a person’s right to choose what they do with their body was at stake, and on the other hand, you feel the emotion that the fetus’ right to choose to live was at stake.These are both very sensitive subjects and can evoke emotion no matter the opinion on the issue. Evoking emotion through stating both emotional views and op inions has the largest effect on people throughout this article. The next appeal that this article has is that of ethos. The entire article from start to finish is filled with ethos appeals, since it is a newspaper article about a court ruling. Throughout the article, we can see the ethos appeals within the different court and medical terms.Some of these words and phrases that are repeated throughout the article are â€Å"the court has ruled (and small variations)† and â€Å"Amendment†. These words increase the trustworthiness of the author of the article by making her seem like she was involved with the law and understands it to a point. Even though we can tell that the author is just a writer for a newspaper, but we can tell by the use of these words that she is understanding of the court terms in general. These terms also come from actual quotes and speeches from within the Roe vs.Wade case, which is apparent in the sections of the article titled â€Å"Majority Opi nion† and â€Å"Dissenting Opinion†. The effect that these appeals have on people is that it gives them a better feeling of the author’s credentials, knowing that what they are reading was written by an author that knows what they are talking about. The final appeal that is apparent throughout the article is that of logos. Although not as frequently used, the appeal of logos is still there. One specific example of a logos appeal is when the article states,†Ã¢â‚¬ ¦ -judge federal court ruled that Texas abortion law unconstitutional, and the case was the appealed directly to the U. S. Supreme Court†. This is a logos appeal because it applied to the logical side of the article in the way that it made the law maker go back and be more specific about what they were talking about. Finally, we take a look at how the author wrote this article. While the author uses the logos, ethos, and pathos appeals, the author uses a certain word choice, tone, and syntax t hroughout the article to also get their point across.Throughout the article, we see the author using very sophisticated and professional word choice, such as â€Å"Amendments† and â€Å"Constitutional†. These words also influence her tone, making the piece sound very serious; this is how it should be. The article is over abortion which is a very serious topic for women everywhere. We also get a trustworthy feeling out of the article because of these factors. Included in word choice is the repetition of certain words and phrases. These phrases open your eyes to what happens to women almost every day, still, even after the Roe vs.Wade case was over. Also, the author used no figurative language at all, which made it seem even more professional than a speech or anything other than something based strictly on facts and stuck to an objective tone throughout. In conclusion, this article is very professional and appeals to many groups of people through the logos, pathos, and e thos appeals about abortion and the Roe vs. Wade case. Although it had a lot of emotional appeal, it also had a huge professional feel, making it seem like a trustworthy article.

Wednesday, August 14, 2019

Summarizing and Paraphrasing a Source Activity

In the University of Phoenix Material Summarizing and Paraphrasing a Source Activity Part 1: Summarizing Review the following passage and summarize it in the box as though you were including this information in a research paper. Use the reference to create an appropriate APA-formatted in-text citation. Aggressive driving is characterized by the tendency to view driving as a competition rather than as a means of getting from one place to another. Although most drivers are content to move along with the flow of traffic, aggressive drivers weave from lane to lane, seeking any advantage that will place them ahead of others. Aggressive drivers are also more likely to tailgate and honk the horn in an effort to intimidate other drivers or simply to move them along faster. When confronted with heavy traffic, aggressive drivers often engage in dangerous behavior such as passing on the right, using utility or turn lanes as driving lanes, and ignoring traffic signals. Paradoxically, aggressive drivers often pride themselves on their skill. They see other, more cautious drivers as the problem, not themselves. Reference Arlov, P. (2007). Wordsmith: A guide to college writing (3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NY: Prentice Hall. Summary As stated by P. Arlov in Wordsmith: A guide to college writing, â€Å"Aggressive diving is characterized by the tendency to view driving as a competition †¦Ã¢â‚¬  (2007) Those type of drivers do not follow the rules of driving, and can create unsafe situations for other drivers in the road. Part 2: Paraphrasing and Quoting Review the following passage and paraphrase it in the following box. Use the reference to create an appropriate APA-formatted in-text citation. Additionally, include one direct quotation. One of the most valuable skills a student can develop is focus. Focus is the ability to concentrate on one thing for an extended period of time, shutting out everything else. The person who is focused has no trouble with homework; her mind is on the task until it is finished. The focused person has no trouble concentrating during a test. She does not even notice the voice of the lecturer in an adjacent classroom, the tapping pencil of the student two rows over, or her instructor’s squeaking chair. People differ widely in their ability to concentrate. Some seem capable of laser like focus on any job until it is completed. Others are easily distracted, jumping up from homework to do a hundred small, but suddenly urgent, tasks as the homework gets pushed further into the background. Like any other skill, the ability to focus can be learned and reinforced through practice. To improve your ability to concentrate, start by establishing a set time and place to study. If possible, study at the same time and in the same place every day. Establishing a routine gives study the importance it deserves and helps make studying a habit. Then, to keep yourself on task, set a small timer as you begin studying. Start by setting the timer to go off after 15 minutes. Until the timer goes off, give studying your full attention. If your mind wanders—and it will—pull it back to the task. Then reward yourself with something small: 5 minutes of solitaire on your computer or a trip to the refrigerator for a glass of iced tea. Time your reward, too—about 5 minutes should be sufficient. Then set the timer for another 15 minutes. As concentration becomes a habit, that habit will spill over into the classroom, too. You will be better able to focus on your instructor’s words or on the test you are taking. If extraneous noises during a test still distract you, invest in a pair of earplugs to shut out noise as you take your test. The ability to concentrate is a necessary skill. Fortunately, it is a skill that can be improved with effort. Reference Arlov, P. (2007). Wordsmith: A guide to college writing (3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NY: Prentice Hall. Paraphrase and Quotation Focusing is a skill that can be learned by practicing. Students can make certain changes in their studying habits in order to make this possible. This can be done in many different ways like using timers and setting time frames to accomplish any task in hand. Another way of getting your mind in to this habit is by rewarding you time spent on studying with breaks, but these have to be kept short so that focus will not be lost in other ways of distractions. Everyone is different so each person that has trouble focusing must learn their own type of style of focusing that works from them. One way of knowing if focusing is an issue for a student is if they are easily distracted by noise or activity around them while trying to study or take tests. Sometimes noise distractions can be fixed by using some kind of noise blocking device such as earplugs. The most effective way is to keep a routine in place to study and do homework same time and same place every time. As stated by P. Arlov in Wordsmith: A guide to college writing; â€Å"One of the most valuable skills a student can develop is focus† (3rd ed. , 2007). This is one of the most important skills to success of a college student to learn because this skill can transfer over to being able to learn more in a class room setting, and be able to pick up more information while the instructor is speaking. Reference: Arlov, P. (2007). Wordsmith: A guide to college writing (3rd ed. ). Upper Saddle River, NY: Prentice Hall.

Tuesday, August 13, 2019

Qualitative versus Quantitative Research Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words

Qualitative versus Quantitative Research - Essay Example Participant viewpoints. A desire to explore and present the various subjective perspectives of participants is associated with qualitative research. Its privileging of subjectivity is also seen in the way that the interpretation of the data is influenced by the researcher’s own biography together with their involvement with people in the study. Small-scale studies. Qualitative researchers are interested in deep exploration in order to provide rich, detailed, holistic description as well as explanation. Therefore, small samples are the norm. Holistic focus. â€Å"Rather than directing their attention to one or two isolated variables, qualitative researchers tend to be oriented to a wide range of interconnected activities, experiences, beliefs and values of people in terms of the context in which they are situated. This provokes qualitative researchers to account for a multiplicity of dimensions and relationships in the context†. (Daymon, 2002, p. 23) Flexible. Although researchers have a topic and an agenda which fuel their research progress, they are usually committed to exploring new and often surprising avenues that emerge as informants reveal their understandings and interests. Research procedures may be unstructured, adaptable and sometimes spontaneous. At times the research process may even be described as rather ‘messy’ as researchers attempt to unpack the complexities of the social world of public relations and marketing communications. Natural settings. On the whole, qualitative investigations are carried out in people's natural environments such as in their offices or where they shop. This enables researchers to observe how they go about their routine activities and

Pathophysiology Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Pathophysiology - Assignment Example If the patient consumed a diet rich in proteins, sodium, and sugar, then he unknowingly contributed to the accumulation of the kidney stones. In addition, the rate of water intake by the patient possibly contributed more to the maintenance of sodium and calcium metals in his kidneys. An insufficient intake of water by the patient could have led to dehydration and the minute passage of sodium, calcium, and oxalates in small amounts through the kidneys (Editore, 2014). The test results of the patient’s white blood cell count would have been around 11.5 Ãâ€" 109 (4-22.1). This white blood cell count is extremely high for a urine sample, which is a sign of a urinary infection. Blood calcium levels of the patient would have been high, causing the body to store the excess calcium in the bones and pass the rest in urine and stool (Editore, 2014). A CT scan would sensitively reveal the kidney stones explicitly and implicitly through the detection of widened ureters. X-ray results would make urinary tract visible and reveal renal calculi that contain enough calcium for the x-ray to pick up. The best treatment for the patient is lithotripsy if the stones are big. To prevent recurrence, the patient take prescribed medications and drink plenty of fluids while at home or work (Editore,

Monday, August 12, 2019

Business plan of Towing Service Company Research Paper

Business plan of Towing Service Company - Research Paper Example The service industry is among the fastest growing sectors in US which has been expanding its horizon with zeal. In the last few years, the demand of towing service companies has increased significantly as the customers are looking for the professionals who can assist them in taking their vehicles to the auto repair outlets (Marsh, 2013). Since Orlando, Florida is offering huge potential for the towing service company, our organization will commence its business operations in January 2014 in this region. Brief description of the business and principals involved Our company has been present in the wrecker/towing service industry for many years and has been evaluating various expansion options so that it can offer the customized services to the customers. As the number of vehicle owners is increasing with the advent of time, it has become imperative for them to avail the services of a registered towing company who can provide them quick solutions for their auto related issues (Haq, 2013). We will make sure that the customers are provided all the required services with utmost ease and convenience. Since the vehicles can get broken down any instant on the road or any emergency situation can arise, the business of towing service will assist people who are caught up in such situations in resolving their matters quickly. All of our service providers will perform all the mandatory services with perfection so that the issues are avoided in future. This business will be beneficial for the society as the transportation safety will be enhanced by our expert offerings.

Sunday, August 11, 2019

Analysis of an allocated management practitioner article using Essay

Analysis of an allocated management practitioner article using relevant organisational behaviour theory - Essay Example These findings, according to the writer are evidence of how critical it is for management to ensure they improve communication strategy by making it a vital part of their HR practice and strategy. To facilitate this, the writer makes several recommendations towards what they think should be done, this include; having a shared purpose, convincing the leaders, engaging the staff, taking the existing channels of communication to account, maintain a personal touch, working in collaboration with the stakeholders and finally measuring and evaluating the results. In summary, the writer can be seen as trying to assert the importance of communication for its own sake and also the importance of letting the staff and other stakeholders appreciate and understand the benefits of communication. For a long time, managers and researchers have agreed that organizational success is not separable from smoothness in the communication process, in every organization; the most effective employees are those that have open communication with their manager and leaders (Snyder and Morris, 1984). This is because communication helps them build health working relationship which serve, among other things to improve their organizational identification and thus boost their performance making it more effective (Gray & Laidlaw, 2004). In addition, when there are major organizational changes involving mergers or layoffs, in a firm where employees have open communication to management, it will be relatively easy to deal with such (Gopinath & Becker, 2000; Schweiger & DeNisi, 1991). When there is a culture of communication whether vertical or horizontal, managers and employees are better able to deal with job stressors, which would otherwise negatively affect performance. The Organizational suppo rt theory proposes that with time, employees come to form global beliefs, which are founded on the manner in which they

Saturday, August 10, 2019

Financial Statement Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Financial Statement - Essay Example Most of the cash flows seems to be generated through the investing activities as Apple heavily invested into short term securities providing it enough source of liquid asset available to maintain its liquidity throughout the year. The major source of financing cash flows arise out of the issuance of common stock so the improved performance of Apple Computers in terms of its cash flow has largely being from increase in its short term liabilities, investment into short term investments and issuance of common stock. Apple computers were being able to double their operating cash flows, they mainly achieved this objective through extensive use of external short term financing besides showing an improved net income figure. Apple has been able to increase its income mainly due to its extensive selling activities as the sales for the year has shown considerable increase whereas Apple has been able to reduce its costs and increase the margins. The items to be removed from the income statement in order to achieve the presistent income are gains on sell of non-current assets and restructuring costs. Net income figures are arrived after deducting and adding many sources of expenses and income however they do not necessarily directly relate to the company. For the purpose of analysis, only those items are considered which have a direct linkages in generating the income or cash flow for the firm. The basic difference between diluted and Basic EPS is the fact that diluted EPS are calcuated after netting off the impact of preference shareholding or anyother kind of payments which are made before the payment of dividends to the common shareholders. The difference between the basic and diluted EPS of Apple is also due to the number of shares taken under calculation. This difference is on two counts. First the net income has increased drastically

Friday, August 9, 2019

Gene therapy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words

Gene therapy - Essay Example Currently, research is going on for gene therapy by various approaches in different parts of the world for various diseases like combined immuno-deficiencies, hemophilia, Parkinson's disease, cancer and even HIV (Verma and Weitzman, 2005). Though gene therapy has been under research for the past 2 decades, no single gene therapy has been approve for clinical use. The main reason for this is safety concerns pertaining to gene therapy trials and treatment. In this essay, various strategies to increase the safety of gene therapy will be discussed through review of suitable literature. Safety issues related to gene therapy are mainly related to the methods employed in gene therapy. There are basically 2 methods of gene therapy and they are ex-vivo therapy and in-vivo therapy. In ex-vivo therapy, gene delivery is done in cells after being removed from the body (Hecht, 2004). The cells used thus are basically grown in the laboratory. The cells are than modified outside the body and then tr ansplanted back into the body. In some research trials, cells from blood or born marrow are taken out and cultured in a laboratory. Thereafter, the cells are exposed to the virus with the desired gene. The virus infects the cells and transfers the therapeutic genetic material into the nucleus of the cells. After this, the cells are injected into the patient’s body by vein. In in vivo therapy, gene delivery is done in the cells that are still in the body. The simplest method of introducing therapeutic genetic material into the cells is direct introduction into target cells. However, this method is not practical because it can be used only with certain tissues and requires large amounts of DNA. Other methods are there wherein the genes are delivered into cells by vectors like viruses or bacteria, by electroporation or tiny synthetic "envelopes" of fat molecules (Hecht, 2004). Of these, the most commonly used vector is virus. Vector is the carrier of the gene. Viruses are used a s vectors to deliver genetic material to the nucleus of the cell that contains its DNA. The natural ability of a virus to enter a cell is used for this purpose. The viruses used for gene therapy are retrovirus, adenovirus, adeno-associated virus and herpes simplex virus (Genetics Home Reference, 2008). While preparing the vectors for gene therapy, the DNA coding for a part or whole of the normal genes of the virus to be used as a carrier is removed and replaced with the treatment gene. The carriers are engineered in such a way that there ability to enter the cells is not lost but they cannot reproduce. Genes delivered by tiny synthetic "envelopes" of fat molecules enter the cell by cell membrane which has very high concentration of fat molecules. In electroporation, the genes are delivered into the cells by creating tiny openings in the cell membrane. This is done by using a bionic chip. The chip contains a single living cell embedded in a tiny silicon circuit (Hecht, 2004). Another method of gene therapy is where the therapeutic gene gets inside the target cell by chemically linking the DNA to a molecule that will bind to special cell receptors. After binding to these receptors, the DNA is engulfed by the cell membrane and passed into the interior of the target cell. However, this is less effective than the other methods (Genetics Home R